Oral, Nilufer.

Regional Co-Operation and Protection of the Marine Environment under International Law : The Black Sea. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (321 pages) - Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development Ser. .

Intro -- Contents -- Series Editor's Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Tables -- Maps -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Chapter I Historical Development of Regional Co-operation in the Black Sea -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Black Sea: From Mare Clausum to Mare Sui Generis -- 2.1 Black Sea as Mare Clausum -- 2.2 The Black Sea as a Mare Shared -- 2.3 Multilateralism in the Black Sea -- 2.4 A Sui Generis Regime for the Black Sea -- 3. The Historical Development of Regional Co-operation in Part IX of the 1982 LOSC -- 3.1 The Soviet "Closed Sea" Doctrine -- 3.2 Marine Regionalism in the Law of the Sea -- 3.3 UNCLOS III -- 4. Regional Co-operation in Part IX of the 1982 LOSC -- 4.1 Sources of the Duty of Co-operation under International Law -- 4.2 Judicial Interpretation of Article 123 -- 5. Discussion -- Chapter II State of the Black Sea: The Making and Unmaking of a Sea -- 1. Evolution of the Black Sea: From Sea to Lake to Sea -- 1.1 Birth of a Sea -- 1.2 Geomorphology of the Black Sea Today -- 2. A Sea of Poison, a Sea of Life -- 2.1 Anoxia -- 2.2 Hydrogen Sulfide -- 2.3 Extreme Life -- 3. Decline of the Black Sea -- 3.1 Eutrophication -- 3.2 Introduction of Alien Species -- 3.3 Atmospheric Input of Nutrients -- 4. Marine Biodiversity and Fisheries in the Black Sea -- 4.1 Overall Biodiversity -- 4.2 State of Black Sea Fisheries -- 4.3 Black Sea Marine Mammals -- 5. Black Sea Habitats and Wetlands -- 5.1 Black Sea Marine Habitat Destruction -- 5.2 RAMSAR Wetlands in the Black Sea -- 5.3 Ecosystem Value of the Black Sea -- 6. Climate Change -- 7. The Sea of Azov -- 7.1 Background -- 7.2 State of Biodiversity and Habitats -- 8. Discussion -- Chapter III The Regional Legal Framework for the Protection and Preservation of the Black Sea Marine Environment -- 1. Introduction. 2. Co-operation in the Protection of the Marine Environment under International Law -- 2.1 The 1982 LOSC and Protection of the Marine Environment -- 2.2 Regional Seas Model for Co-operation -- 2.3 International Law Principles and Norms for Sustainable Governance of the Marine Environment -- 3. Building Sustainable Governance in the Black Sea -- 3.1 Early Efforts -- 3.2 Regional Governance Framework for the Black Sea -- 3.3 The 2007 Black Sea-TDA Legal and Institutional Analysis -- 4. Legal Framework for Co-operation for the Protection of the Black Sea Marine Environment -- 4.1 Obligations, Principles and Actions for Co-operation -- 4.2 Institutional Framework for Co-operation -- 4.3 Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution -- 4.4 BSEC, PABSEC, BSTDB and ICBSS -- 4.5 Black Sea Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) -- 5. The EU in the Black Sea -- 6. Regional Seas Governance: A Comparative Analysis -- 6.1 Mediterranean Sea -- 6.2 The Baltic Sea - HELCOM -- 6.3 The North-East Atlantic Sea - OSPAR -- 7. Compliance Mechanisms under International Law -- 8. Discussion -- Chapter IV Marine Biodiversity in the Black Sea -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The International Legal Framework for Protection of Biodiversity -- 2.1 International Conservation Agreements -- 2.2 Black Sea Implementation of ICAs -- 2.3 1982 United Nations Law of the Sea Convention -- 2.4 Convention on Biological Diversity -- 3. International Principles for the Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity -- 3.1 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development:The "Rio" Framework -- 3.2 Marine Spatial Planning as an Emerging Concept -- 3.3 Implications for the Black Sea Regional Regime -- 4. Regional Models for the Protection of Marine Biodiversity -- 4.1 Regional Models and Standard Setting -- 4.2 The SPAW Protocol for the Wider Caribbean Region. 4.3 The Mediterranean Sea and the 1995 SPAMI Protocol -- 4.4 European Regional Approach to Protection of Biodiversity -- 5. The Black Sea Regional Framework for Protection of Biodiversity -- 5.1 Black Sea Strategic Action Plan -- 5.2 The Bucharest Convention -- 5.3 The Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution -- 5.4 Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Strategic Action Plan -- 6. Discussion -- Chapter V Sustainable Fisheries Governance and Regional Co-operation for the Black Sea -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Development of the International Framework for Co-operation for Management and Conservation of Fisheries -- 2.1 UNCLOS III and Co-operation in Fisheries Conservation and Management -- 2.2 Co-operation and Shared Fish Stocks -- 3. Implementation of Sustainable Fisheries Governance -- 3.1 Co-operation through Regional Fisheries Organizations -- 3.2 Principles of Sustainable Fisheries Management -- 3.3 Compliance and Enforcement -- 4. The State of Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Black Sea -- 4.1 Background -- 4.2 Draft Legally Binding Document for Fisheries and Conservation of the Living Resources of the Black Sea -- 4.3 Applicable Principles or "Approaches" -- 4.4 Co-operation under the Legally Binding Document -- 4.5 The Institutional Structure -- 4.6 Compliance and Enforcement -- 5. Co-operation beyond the Black Sea -- 5.1 Co-operation with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea -- 5.2 Co-operation with the European Union -- 6. Discussion -- Chapter VI Land-based Sources of Pollution: The Black Sea and Beyond -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Global Legal Framework for Land-based Sources of Marine Pollution -- 2.1 The Hard Law Framework of International Law for Land-based Pollution. 2.2 "Soft" but Firm Obligations, Principles and Standards at the Global Level -- 3. UNEP Regional Seas Framework for Prevention of Land-based Pollution -- 3.1 UNEP Regional Seas Programme and Land-based Sources of Pollution -- 3.2 Applicable Principles -- 4. European Union -- 4.1 European Water Framework Directive -- 4.2 Urban Wastewater Directive -- 4.3 Marine Strategy Framework Directive -- 5. The Black Sea -- 5.1 Protocol on the Protection of the Black Sea Marine Environment against Pollution from Land-based Sources -- 5.2 Co-operation between the Black Sea and Danube River Regimes -- 5.3 Legal Framework of Co-operation -- 5.4 Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP) -- 6. Discussion -- Chapter VII Vessel Source Pollution and Offshore Activities in the Black Sea -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The International Framework for Shipping -- 2.1 The 1982 United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea -- 2.2 The International Maritime Organization (IMO) -- 2.3 Black Sea Coastal States Implementation of International Conventions -- 3. Comparative Regional Seas Analysis Framework -- 3.1 The Mediterranean Sea -- 3.2 The Baltic Sea -- 3.3 Bonn Agreement and OSPAR -- 3.4 European Union -- 4. Regional Framework for the Black Sea -- 4.1 Emergency Protocol -- 4.2 Dumping Protocol -- 4.3 Offshore Activities -- 5. Other Co-operative Tools for Regulating Vessel Source Pollution -- 5.1 Port State Control -- 5.2 Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) -- 5.3 PSSA in the Black Sea -- 6. Discussion -- Chapter VIII Gaps, Lessons Learned and Recommendations -- Index.

In Regional Co-operation and Protection of the Marine Environment under International Law: The Black Sea, Nilufer Oral examines the regional co-operation mechanism for protection and preservation of the Black Sea marine environment within the framework of international law, and subsequently identifies the necessary components for a robust regional regime based on best legal practices.


Marine resources conservation -- Law and legislation -- Black Sea.
Marine pollution -- Law and legislation -- Black Sea.
Fishery law and legislation -- Black Sea.
Black Sea -- History.
Azov, Sea of (Ukraine and Russia).

Electronic books.

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