Magocsi, Paul Robert.

A History of Ukraine : The Land and Its Peoples, Second Edition. - 2nd ed. - 1 online resource (923 pages)

Intro -- CONTENTS -- LIST OF MAPS -- LIST OF TABLES -- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION -- PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION -- Part One: Introduction and Pre-Kievan Times -- 1 Ukraine's Geographic and Ethnolinguistic Setting -- Territory and geography -- Climate -- Natural resources -- Administrative and ethnolinguistic divisions -- Population -- Nomenclature -- 2 Historical Perceptions -- The Russian historical viewpoint -- What is eastern Europe? -- The Polish historical viewpoint -- The Ukrainian historical viewpoint -- Kostomarov on Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles -- The Soviet historical viewpoint -- 3 The Steppe Hinterland and the Black Sea Cities -- The steppe hinterland -- Trypillians and Ukrainians -- The nomads of the steppe hinterland -- Nomadic civilizations on Ukrainian territory -- The Greeks of the coastal region -- The Pax Scythica, the Sarmatians, and the Pax Romana -- Scythian customs -- The Byzantines and the Khazars -- 4 The Slavs and the Khazars -- The origins of the Slavs -- The original homeland of the Slavs -- The migrations of the Slavs -- The Antae -- Archaeology in Ukraine -- The Pax Chazarica -- The Slavic tribes in the shadow of the Khazars -- Part Two: The Kievan Period -- 5 The Rise of Kievan Rus' -- The origin of Rus' -- The great debate The origin of Rus -- Europe in the ninth century -- The varangians in the east -- The era of growth and expansion -- 6 Political Consolidation and Disintegration -- Volodymyr the Great -- The meaning of Rus' -- Christianity and the baptism of Rus' -- Christianity in Ukraine -- Iaroslav the Wise -- The Kievan system of political succession -- The conference of Liubech and Volodymyr Monomakh -- The era of disintegration -- 7 Socioeconomic and Cultural Developments -- Demography and social structure -- The ruling social strata -- The social structure of Kievan Rus'. The subordinate social strata -- Other social strata -- The legal system -- The economic order -- The voyage from Kiev to Constantinople -- Byzantine cultural influences -- The Byzantine Empire and its attitude toward Kievan Rus' -- Kievan Rus' architecture -- Kievan Rus' language and literature -- What was the language of Kievan Rus'? -- The Lay of Ihor's Campaign -- 8 The Mongols and the Transformation of Rus' Political Life -- The rise of the Mongols -- The Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus' -- The Golden Horde -- The Pax Mongolica and Italian merchants -- Italianate Crimea and the Black Death -- 9 Galicia-Volhynia -- Galicia and Volhynia before their unification -- The unification of Galicia and Volhynia -- The metropolitanate of Rus' -- The demise of Galicia-Volhynia -- Part Three: The Lithuanian-Polish-Crimean Period -- 10 Lithuania and the Union with Poland -- The consolidation of the Lithuanian state -- The Polish-Lithuanian connection -- Muscovy and the Polish-Lithuanian union -- 11 Socioeconomic Developments -- Lithuania's social structure -- Social estates in Lithuania and Poland -- Lithuania's administrative structure -- Poland's social and administrative structure -- Peasants, nobles, and Jews -- The manorial estate -- The coming of Jews to Ukraine -- The realignment of international trade patterns -- Poland's economic and cultural revival -- 12 The Orthodox Cultural Revival -- The Metropolitanate of Kiev -- The Metropolitanate of Kiev and All Rus' -- The monastic movement -- The role of townspeople and magnates -- L'viv's Stauropegial Brotherhood -- 13 Reformation, Counter Reformation, and the Union of Brest -- The Protestant Reformation -- The Counter Reformation and Orthodox Ukraine -- The Union of Brest -- The views of Prince Kostiantyn Ostroz'kyi -- The Union of Brest -- 14 The Tatars and the Crimean Khanate -- The Crimean Khanate. Crimean socioeconomic life -- The Karaites -- The Nogay Tatars and slavery -- Was Ottoman and Crimean slavery all that bad? -- 15 The Cossacks and Ukraine -- The steppe -- The name "Ukraine -- The rise of the Cossacks -- The Cossacks of Zaporozhia -- The Cossacks in Polish society -- Social estates in sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Ukraine -- A male-dominated society? -- The international role of the Cossacks -- The Cossacks and Orthodoxy -- Orthodox versus Uniate -- The calm before the storm -- Part Four: The Cossack State, 1648-1711 -- 16 Khmel'nyts'kyi and the Uprising of 1648 -- Khmel'nyts'kyi's early career -- The uprising of 1648 -- Khmel'nyts'kyi and the Jews -- Khmel'nyts'kyi as a national leader -- 17 Muscovy and the Agreement of Pereiaslav -- The rise of Muscovy -- Muscovy, Poland, and Ukraine -- Khmel'nyts'kyi and Pereiaslav -- The Agreement of Pereiaslav -- 18 The Period of Ruin -- Changing international alliances -- The Cossack turn toward Poland -- The Union of Hadiach -- Anarchy, ruin, and the division of Ukraine -- 19 The Structure of the Cossack State -- Registered and unregistered Cossacks -- Internal administration -- What to call the Cossack state? -- The Cossack state administration -- International status -- 20 Mazepa and the Great Northern War -- The image of Mazepa -- The rise of Mazepa -- Mazepa as hetman: The early phase -- Mazepa during the Great Northern War -- Mazepa's defection -- Mazepa and Ukraine after Poltava -- 21 Socioeconomic and Cultural Developments in the Cossack State -- Social structure -- Social estates in the Cossack state -- Economic developments -- Church and state -- Cultural developments -- The transformation of Ukraine after 1648 -- Part Five: Ukrainian Lands in the Eighteenth Century -- 22 Ukraine's Autonomy and the Russian Empire -- Muscovy becomes the Russian Empire -- Sloboda Ukraine. Zaporozhia -- The Hetmanate -- The Crimean Khanate -- Transformation under Russian rule -- 23 Socioeconomic Developments -- The changing social structure -- Economic developments -- International trade and commerce -- 24 Religious and Cultural Developments -- The integration of the Orthodox Church -- Education -- Architecture and painting -- Literature and history writing -- 25 The Right Bank and Western Ukraine -- The return of Polish rule in the Right Bank -- Social protest and the haidamak revolts -- Uman' as a symbol for Ukrainians, Poles, and Jews -- The Partitions of Poland -- Part Six: Ukraine in the Russian Empire -- 26 Administrative and Political Developments in Dnieper Ukraine -- Territorial divisions -- Administrative structure -- Administrative structure in Dnieper Ukraine before the 1860s -- Administrative structure In Dnieper Ukraine after the 1860s -- The evolution of the Russian Empire, 1814-1914 -- 27 Socioeconomic Developments in Dnieper Ukraine -- Social estates before the 1860s -- Social estates in Dnieper Ukraine -- The reforms of the 1860s -- Economic developments -- 28 The Peoples of Dnieper Ukraine -- The Russians -- The Poles -- What Ukraine means for Poland -- The Jews -- Memories of the shtetl -- Pogroms -- The Germans and Mennonites -- The Crimean Tatars -- The Romanians -- Other peoples -- 29 The Ukrainian National Awakening in Dnieper Ukraine before the 1860s -- The idea of nationalism -- What is a nationality? -- The phenomenon of multiple loyalties -- The early histories of Ukraine -- The belief in mutually exclusive identities -- 30 The Ukrainian National Movement in Dnieper Ukraine after the Era of Reforms -- The Right Bank and the khlopomany movement -- Ukrainianism in St Petersburg and the renewal of the organizational stage -- Russian reaction to the Ukrainian movement -- The Valuev Decree -- The Ems Ukase. Schools in Dnieper Ukraine -- The church in Dnieper Ukraine -- The return to the heritage-gathering stage -- The beginnings of the political stage -- Part Seven: Ukraine in the Austrian Empire -- 31 The Administrative and Social Structure of Ukrainian Lands in the Austrian Empire before 1848 -- Austria acquires Ukrainian lands -- The structure of the Austrian Empire -- The demographic and administrative status of Galicia and Bukovina -- The economic status of Galicia before 1848 -- Other peoples in eastern Galicia -- 32 The Ukrainian National Awakening in the Austrian Empire before 1848 -- The Austrian government and the Ukrainian national awakening -- The heritage-gathering stage in Galicia -- Bukovina and Transcarpathia before 1848 -- 33 The Revolution of 1848 -- The revolution in Austria -- The revolution in Galicia and the Ukrainians -- The Supreme Ruthenian Council -- The Galician-Ukrainian national movement: The organizational stage -- The revolution of 1848 in Bukovina and Transcarpathia -- 34 The Administrative and Socioeconomic Structure of Ukrainian Lands in the Austrian Empire, 1849-1914 -- Administrative structure -- International developments and Austria's internal politics -- Austria's parliamentary structure -- Social structure and economic developments -- The problem of statistics -- The Ukrainian diaspora -- Other peoples in eastern Galicia and Bukovina -- Ukraine's other diasporas -- 35 The Ukrainian National Movement in Austria-Hungary, 1849-1914 -- In search of a national identity -- Old Ruthenians, Russophiles, and Ukrainophiles -- Language as the symbol of identity -- The national movement in Galicia: The organizational stage -- The national movement in Galicia: The political stage -- Independence for Ukraine -- At the bottom of the pecking order -- The national movement in Bukovina -- The national movement in Transcarpathia. Part Eight: World War I and the Struggle for Independence.

Comprehensive, innovative, and geared towards teaching, the second edition of A History of Ukraine is ideal for both teachers and students.


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