Leal Filho, Walter.

African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. - 1 online resource (2820 pages)

Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- About the Editor-in-Chief -- About the Editors -- Associate Editors -- Reviewers -- Contributors -- Part I: Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security -- 1 Adaptation of Seaweed Farmers in Zanzibar to the Impacts of Climate Change -- Introduction -- Case Study of Zanzibar -- Conceptual Framework -- Aims and Objectives -- Methods -- Analysis -- Results -- Meteorological Evidence -- Perceived Climatic Changes and Reported Impacts on Seaweed -- Adaptation Strategies and Constraints -- Discussion -- Future Study -- Wider Implications -- Conclusion -- Supplementary Information -- S1: List of Academics and NGOs Contacted During Scoping Phase -- S2: Participant Profiles -- S3: Interview Questions Used as a Guideline for the Semi-structured Interviews -- S4: Coding Strategy Used to Analyses the Seaweed Farming Interview Data -- S5: Presen6ce Absence Data for Challenges to the Off Bottom Method -- S6: Presence Absence of Challenges for Deepwater and off Bottom Methods -- S7: Percentage of Participants Spending Their Income from Seaweed Farming on Various Items -- References -- 2 Adaptation of Small-Scale Tea and Coffee Farmers in Kenya to Climate Change -- Introduction -- Agriculture in Kenya -- Climate Change Policies and Regulations in Kenya -- Tea Sector in Kenya -- Climate Change Challenges in the Tea Sector -- Adaptation and Mitigation Measures by Small-Scale Farmers in the Tea Sector -- Coffee Sector in Kenya -- Climate Change Challenges in the Coffee Sector -- Adaptation and Mitigation Measures by Small-Scale Farmers in the Coffee Sector -- Recommendations and Conclusion -- Farmer Empowerment -- Strengthening of Institutions -- Collaborations and Partnerships -- Certification -- References. 3 Adaptive Capacity to Mitigate Climate Variability and Food Insecurity of Rural Communities Along River Tana Basin, Kenya -- Introduction -- Impacts of Climate Variability -- Adaptive Capacity to Mitigate Climate Variability Impacts -- Impacts and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability in Arid and Semiarid Lands: A Case of Garissa and Tana River Counties... -- Rainfall and Temperature Impacts on Food Security -- Community Perception on Climate Variability and Its Impacts -- Adaptations Strategies to Climate Variability in Arid and Semiarid Land -- Conclusions -- Recommendations -- References -- 4 Agricultural Interventions to Enhance Climate Change Adaptation of Underutilized Root and Tuber Crops -- Introduction -- Major Roots and Tuber Crops -- Cassava -- Sweet Potatoes -- Yam -- Irish Potato -- Cocoyams (Arrow Roots) -- Root and Tuber Crop Production in Kenya -- Agricultural Interventions for Adaptation to Climate Change -- Bio Fertilizers -- Organic Agriculture -- Soil Organic Matter Management -- Mulching -- Zero Tillage -- Tie-Ridging -- Improved Seed Varieties -- Management of Community Seed Banks -- Cropping Systems -- Irrigation Method -- Exploiting Abandoned Lands -- Agroforestry Practice -- Clean Seed Production Technologies -- Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) -- Conclusion -- References -- 5 Farmers� Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Africa: Small-Scale Farmers in Cameroon -- Introduction -- Background of the Study -- Review of Literature -- Perceptions of Climate Change by Small-Scale Farmers in Africa -- Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Africa�s Small-Scale Farmers -- Drivers of Small-Scale Farmers� Vulnerability to Climate Change in Africa -- Adaptation Options Implemented by Small-Scale Farmers in Africa Confronted with Climate Change. Determinants of Small-Scale Farmers� Choice of Adaptive Measures Confronted with Climate Change -- Barriers to Adaptation for Small-Scale Farmers in Africa Confronted with Climate Change -- Effectiveness of Small-Scale Farmers� Adaptation Measures in Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change -- Description of Study Area and Methodology -- Description of the Study Area -- Research Methods -- Study Site Selection and Sampling Methods -- Data Sources and Collection -- Analysis of Data -- Dependent and Independent Variables -- Findings -- Variations and Changes in Climate Elements -- Adaptive Choices of Small-Scale Farmers Confronted with Climate Change Adversities -- Farmer Perceived Factors Influencing Adaptive Capacity to Adverse Climatic Variations and Changes -- Farmers� Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change -- Factors Affecting Small-Scale Farmers� Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change -- Non-Cause-Effect Relationship Between Small-Scale Farmers� Adaptive Capacity and Continuous Independent Variables -- Non-Cause-Effect Relationship Between Small-Scale Farmers� Adaptive Capacity and Qualitative Independent Variables -- Binary Logistic Regression Model Predicting Small-Scale Farmers� Adaptive Capacity to Climatic Change from Independent Variabl... -- Discussion -- Variations in Climate Elements -- Adaptive Choices of Small-Scale Farmers Confronted with Climate Change -- Perceived Factors Affecting Farmers� Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change -- Non-Cause-Effect and Cause-Effect Relationship Between Small-Scale Farmers� Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change and Independen... -- Conclusion and Policy Implications -- References -- 6 Assessment of Farmers� Indigenous Technology Adoptions for Climate Change Adaptation in Nigeria -- Introduction -- Issue Description -- Research Techniques and Findings. Devastating Effects of Climate Change on Smallholder Farmers -- Indigenous Adaptation Techniques in Use in Nigeria -- North-Central Zone - Benue State -- North West Zone - Kaduna State -- North-East Zone - Taraba State -- South-East Zone - Enugu State -- South-South Zone - Cross River -- South-West Zone - Oyo State -- Constraints to the Development of Indigenous Adaptation Techniques in Nigeria -- Indigenous Adaptation Techniques Contributing Factors -- Conclusion -- References -- 7 Case for Climate Smart Agriculture in Addressing the Threat of Climate Change -- Introduction -- Background -- Climate Change and Food Security -- Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies -- Breeding and Climate Change -- Efficient Resource Management -- Integrated Renewable Energy Technologies of Farming Systems -- Resource Conserving Technologies (RCTs) -- Land Use Management -- Cropping Season Variation -- Crop Relocation -- Efficient Pest Management -- GIS Mapping -- Conclusion -- References -- 8 Sorghum Farmers� Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Semiarid Region of Cameroon -- Introduction -- Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Sorghum Farmers -- Climate Hazards and Sorghum Farmers� Adaptation Strategies -- Sahelian Farmers Adaptation Strategies� Typologies -- First Category of Typologies -- Second Category of Typologies -- Third Category of Typologies -- Characterization of Sorghum Farmers� Adaptation Strategies -- Conclusion -- References -- 9 Attaining Food Security in the Wake of Climatic Risks: Lessons from the Delta State of Nigeria -- Introduction -- Research Methodology -- Findings -- Livelihood Vulnerability to Climatic Risks -- Assets and Food Production Nexus -- Households Still Living Below the Global Poverty Line -- Discussion -- Final Remarks -- References -- 10 Tied Ridges and Better Cotton Breeds for Climate Change Adaptation -- Introduction. Characteristics of Cotton Growing Areas in Zimbabwe -- Crop Genetic Diversity and Climate Change -- Status of Cotton -- In-Field Moisture Harvesting -- Tied Ridges -- Planting Basins -- Mulch Ripping -- Cotton Production Under Climate Change -- Effects of Water Harvesting on Soil Moisture Content -- References -- 11 Determinants of Cattle Farmers� Perception of Climate Change in the Dry and Subhumid Tropical Zones of Benin (West Africa) -- Introduction -- Material and Methods -- Study Areas -- Data Collection -- Exploratory Study -- In-Depth Interviews -- Statistical Analysis -- Results and Discussion -- Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Cattle Farmers Surveyed -- Cattle Farmers� Perception of Climate Change Indicators -- Determinants of Cattle Farmers� Perception of Climate Change -- Cattle Farmers� Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change -- Conclusion -- References -- 12 Drivers of Level of Adaptation to Climate Change in Smallholder Farming Systems in Southern Africa: A Multilevel Modeling A... -- Introduction and Background -- Data Gathering and Analytical Framework -- Multilevel Estimation of Determinants of Level of Adaptation -- Random Effects -- Hierarchical Linear Regression Model with Random Intercept and Level 2 Covariates -- Promote Learning Through Linkages with Public and Private Extension Services -- References -- 13 Economic Analysis of Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies in Maize Production in Smallholder Farming Systems -- Introduction -- CSA in Crop-Livestock Farming Systems -- Methodology -- Study Area and Data Collection -- Data Analysis -- Economic Analysis of CSA -- Return on Investment -- The Stochastic Profit Frontier Model -- Results and Discussion -- CSA Adaptation Strategies Employed by Households in Maize Production -- Economic Analysis of Maize -- Estimated Stochastic Frontier Profit Function. Conclusions and Recommendations.


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