Intro -- Floodaware -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- Table of Contents -- Dedication -- Foreword -- The Inondabilit�e method - La m�ethode Inondabilit�e -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The concept of risk -- 3 Theoretical basis -- 4 A tool for water management -- 5 Research for the future -- 6 Conclusion -- Study and research for the implementation of an Alert Prototype System (APS) in mountainous catchments in north-west Italy - Etude et recherche pour la mise en place d'un Prototype de Systeme d'Alerte (APS) dans les bassins montagneux du nord-ouest de I'ltalie -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Overview of theoretical concepts -- 2. The heuristic approach -- 3. Case studies: analysis and results -- 4. Conclusions -- Design discharge calculations and flood plain management - Estimation de debits de projet et gestion des plaines inondables -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Design discharge calculations -- 2. Flood Plain Management -- Model and Spatial Database to Assess Design Peak Flow Rates in the Walloon Region (Belgium) - Utilisation d'un mod�ele hydrologique et d'une base de donn�ees cartographiques pour la prevision des d�ebits de projet en region Wallonne (Belgique) -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Implements and Method -- 3. Application -- 4. Conclusions -- 5. Figures -- Rainfall analysis and regionalization computing intensity-duration-frequency curves - Analyse des precipitations et r�egionalisation des courbes intensit�e-dur�ee-fr�equence -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1 Traditional method -- 2 Joint estimation -- 3 Application of simple scaling to the Gumbel distribution function -- 4 Application of simple scaling to the General Extreme Value distribution function -- 5 Conclusions.
Flow regionalization A stochastic flow model for QDF analysis - R�egionalisation des �ecoulements. Un mod�ele d'�ecoulement stochastique pour I'analyse QdF -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1 QDF Curves -- 2 Stochastic flow models -- 3 Objectives -- 4 Stochastic flow model -- 5 A Poisson Point Process of Flood Peak Occurrence -- 6 A probability distribution function of flood peaks -- 7 A dimensionless hydrograph -- 8 Properties of the model for fixed crossing level Q0 -- 9 Probability Thinning of the Stochastic Process -- 10 Maximum threshold flow Q0x distribution for a given duration d in a period (Sx(B -- 11 Application to a real case -- Flood risk modification downstream from reservoirs - Modification du risque de crue en aval des r�eservoirs -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1 Relationship between upstream and downstream flood characteristics -- 2 Properties f continuity equation -- 3 Bivariate probabilistic model for input flood peak and volume to a reservoir -- 4 Derived distribution for flood peak and volume, downstream -- 5 Application to a real case -- A prototype of real time flood warning system in a Piedmont catchment - Un prototype de syst�eme d'annonce des crues en temps r�eel dans un bassin de Pi�emont -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Foreword -- 2. The basin -- 3. Flood forecasting -- 4. Map of inundation risk degree -- 5. The alert management -- 6. Conclusions -- Study of extreme rainfalls - �Etude des pluies extr�emes -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1 introduction -- 2 Classification of rainfall events to use it in hydrometeorology -- 3 Analysis of the orographycal influence in basis to the SAIH network -- 4 Regionalization of extreme rainfall events in the Mediterranean Area -- 5 Diagnosis and forecasting of extreme rainfall events -- 6 Conclusions -- 7 Acknowledgements.
A Case Study in the Gort/Ardrahan area of South Galway - Une �etude de cas dans la zone GortlArdrahan du Sud Galway -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Objectives -- 2. OPW work programme for Floodaware -- Economic valuation of the maximum acceptable risk - Evaluation �economique du risque maximum acceptable -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1 Context -- 2 On vulnerability in general and maximum acceptable risk in particular -- 3 Valuation of maximum acceptable risk in agriculture -- 4 Other items about the quantification of vulnerability -- Application of the Inondabilit�e method to the Riul Negru catchment (Romania) - Application de la m�ethode Inondabilit�e sur le bassin versant roumain du Riul Negru -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Inondabilit�e method -- 3. Presentation of the Riul Negru Basin -- 4. Hydrology -- 5. Hydraulics -- 6. Risk -- 7. Conclusion -- Perception of flood danger dependency on the site of living - Perception du risque d'inondation : influence du lieu d'habitation -- Abstract -- Resume -- 1. Method -- 2. Area description -- 3. Results and discussion -- Stochastic structure of rainfall at a point - Mod�ele stochastique des precipitations en un point donn�e -- Abstract -- R�esum�e -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Model description -- 3. Parameter estimation -- 4. External structure of the rainfall process in time -- 5. Analysis of maximums -- 6. Disaggregation -- 7. Conclusions -- 8. Papers and comunications presented -- Bibliography.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2022. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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